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Useful links and documents

Explore insightful guides, strategy frameworks and documentation to help you out throughout the procurement journey.

Public procurement GUIDE

Having difficulties in navigating through the complex procurement environment? Take a look at these useful guides, documents or resources.

Over the last three years, Integrate Investment has been a major contributor to the development of the first online public procurement guide for Romanian state institutions. This tool introduces a series of best practices to facilitate a unitary approach at all levels of the public procurement system and can be used by all procurement professionals, both within public and private organizations. 

The practical information in this guide refers to identifying the procurement needs, carrying out the procedures, implementing the contracts and evaluating the performances. Its great advantage, however, is the flexibility and adaptability for different sizes of institutions. The three modules inside the guide offer a complete flow of activities and guidelines. They also include a Q&A forum and an interactive section containing documentation, questionnaires, species libraries and useful databases.